White Balance (WB) affects how whites appear in a photograph. WB can be set manually, automatically or with a preset setting.
The photographs I have taken are using preset and automatic settings.
WB can be used to compensate for incorrect lighting, or can be used to purposely alter the mood and atmosphere of a photograph.
This image was taken with an automatic WB setting.
The camera has chosen what it thinks is the correct white balance in accordance to the lighting in the composition.
By doing this the camera has replicated the correct coloration of whites in the room, and the mood has not been altered from
This image was taken with a 'cloudy' white balance preset.
When set to any natural lighting such as sunlight, clouds or shadows, the camera adds warm tones to the picture and this creates a more orangey tint.
Images appear warmer and the atmosphere of the photograph changes. Warm tones subconsciously create a positive mood.
This image was taken with a 'tungsten' WB preset.
The camera is being told that the lighting in the room is already bright with warmer tones. The camera is trying to compensate by adding cooler tones to the image.
Because this preset was unnecessary, the image appears to have a very blue tint. Much like with warm tones, this gives the image a cooler and very different atmosphere.
Cool tones subconsciously create a negative mood.